Veeam Common Bugs and Solutions
- Failed to create snapshot Error
Failed to create snapshot (Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0) (mode: Crash consistent) Details: Failed to add volume [\\?\Volume{4****0f4–****–****-934b-b8ca80****4a}\] to the VSS snapshot set The given shadow copy provider does not support shadow copying the specified volume. — tr:Failed to add volumes to the snapshot set. — tr:Failed to perform pre-backup tasks.
net stop VSS
net start VSS
net stop Winmgmt
Net start Winmgmt
net stop EventSystem
net start EventSystem
Servisleri yeniden başlatıktan sonra ; Veeam de ilgili hostun ve hosta ait disklerin rescan edilmelidir. Sonrasında Veeam de Inventory’de hostu bulup sag click option de ve next next diyerek hostun bağlantılarını güncellenmelidir.
2. HvCollectHvWriterDoc — Medata Writer Error
Task failed Error: There is no metadata for writer ‘{66841cd4–6ded-4f4b-8f17-fd23f8ddc3de}’. — tr:Failed to collect Hyper-V writer document. — tr:Failed to call ‘CollectWriterDoc’ on server ….
net stop vmms
net start vmms
Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management servisini restart edip jobu tekrar run etmeniz yeterli olacaktır.
3. No such host is known Error
Error: Client error: no such host is known
Veeam tarafında hata alınan ilgili makinaya erişiminin olup olmadığı kontrol edilmelidir. Veeamden hosta erişim varsa bu seferde hosttan veeam’e erişim olup olmadığı kontrol edilmelidir.
4. Could not perform threshold check for backup location
“Could not perform threshold check for backup location “\\*******” due to space info retrievement fail! “
Güvenlik gereği sanal makinalarımızın üzerinde bulunduğu Hyper-V , Vmware ESXI hostlarında parola değişimi yapıldığında Veeam Backup üzerinde gidip bu hostların parolalarını güncellememize rağmen backup/replica jobların da ;
Hatası ile karşılaşılıyor bu durumda Veeamin “ Veeam Broker Service “ isimli servisini durdurup yeniden başlattığımız da joblar tekrar aktif hale gelip iş kuralları çalışmaya başlamaktadır.
5. Failed Backup Configuration Error
Hata :
9.7.2018 2118 Error Unable to write to configuration backup file.
9.7.2018 2118 Error Processing configuration VeeamBackup at VEEAMBACKUP\VEEAMSQL2012
9.7.2018 2118 Error Compressing database VeeamBackup
9.7.2018 2118 Error Invalid object name ‘information_schema.tables’.
9.7.2018 2118 Error Creating configuration backup
9.7.2018 2118 Error Writing data section
9.7.2018 2117 Error Saving configuration catalog
Çözüm Yolları :
- Before any changes please perform a backup of VeeamBackup SQL database with sqlcmd or SQL Server Management studio according to that article ;
2. Change local languages at OS — level on Veeam server to English (it requires a server restart, so make sure that there are no jobs running);
It’s possible to perform with Control Panel > Region:
- Format > English (United States);
- Current language for non-Unicode programs > English (United States);
- Control Panel->Region and Language->Administrative->Copy Settings->check “welcome screen and system accounts”
Restart the OS;
3. Open SQL Management Studio, connect to the instance where Veeam database is located. Then, select SQL instance — right-click — go to properties. After that, find and open Connections tab and enable following options under ‘Default connections options’ section:
Additionaly, please verify that the same options are enabled in Veeam database. For that:
- Right-click on Veeam database — Properties
- Options tab — Miscellaneous
- Change the same settings to true
4. Actions below should change SQL Collation to required “Latin1_General_CI_AS”
Open PowerShell console as administrator and run following commands:
Get-Service -DisplayName “Veeam*” | stop-service ( make sure no jobs are running please as rebooting our main server will break them )
Stop-Service -DisplayName ‘SQL Server (VEEAMSQL2012)’ -f
cd ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.VEEAMSQL2012\MSSQL\Binn’
.\sqlservr.exe -m -T4022 -T3659 -s”VEEAMSQL2012" -q”Latin1_General_CI_AS”
Start-Service -DisplayName ‘SQL Server (VEEAMSQL2012)’
Get-Service -DisplayName “Veeam*” | start-service
5. Finally, open Veeam console and try to perform configuration backup manually: